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Autism in adulthood

Tips and resources for adults with autism symptoms

Autism is a complex neurological developmental disorder that has many facets and is experienced individually. Support in this area changes lives and paves the way to a fulfilling life for people with autism. This blog post explores effective and compassionate ways to help with autism symptoms in adults according to the ICD-11 diagnostic criteria.

Recognising and understanding symptoms of autism

Adults on the autism spectrum show different manifestations of symptoms. These include

  • Impairments in social communication and interaction: difficulties in social interaction, such as problems understanding social signals or establishing and maintaining relationships with others.
  • Repetitive behaviour patterns and restricted interests: Repetitive movements, rigid adherence to routines, severely restricted or unusually intense interests.
  • Sensory sensitivities: Hypersensitivity or hyposensitivity to sensory stimuli such as noise, light or touch.

Helpful therapy options for adults with autism

There are various therapy options for adults with autism:

  • Behavioural therapy: Supports the development of social and communication skills and the dealing with repetitive behaviour.
  • Social skills training: promoting social interaction and improving social skills.
  • Technology-based support: use of apps and tools to manage everyday life and improve communication.

Support for relatives and carers of adults with autism

Relatives and carers of adults with autism also need support. Here are some tips:

  • Self-care and stress management: taking time for yourself and coping with stress.
  • Exchange ideas with other carers and professionals: Get support and advice from like-minded people.
  • Access to resources and organisations: Finding additional help, e.g. from Autismus Deutschland e.V..

A strong support network helps to meet the challenges of everyday life.

Tips for dealing with autism in everyday life

The following strategies are helpful in everyday life with adults with autism:

  • Creating structure and routine: Clear processes offer security and stability.
  • Development of effective communication strategies: clear language and consideration of non-verbal signals.
  • Maintaining flexibility and patience: understanding individual challenges.

A positive and supportive environment can be created through empathetic interaction, clear structures and open communication.

Promoting inclusion and sensitisation in society

It is essential to strengthen inclusion and sensitisation in society to promote the acceptance and support of adults on the autism spectrum.

  • Opportunities and challenges of adults with autism in the social environment: Recognising and promoting diversity within the autism spectrum.
  • Promoting acceptance and support: Educational work and awareness-raising campaigns help to raise awareness of autism.
  • Measures to create an inclusive environment: Companies, schools and municipalities should provide barrier-free access and individualised support services.

Working with organisations that advocate for the rights and needs of people with autism helps create a society where diversity and inclusion are lived and valued.


Help with autism symptoms in adults is crucial for those affected and their relatives. Through empathetic support, targeted measures and the promotion of inclusion, everyday life with autism can be harmonious and enriching. Raising awareness and acceptance in society are the keys to enabling people on the autism spectrum to lead a fulfilling life.

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