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Sleep disorders

Sleep disorders: Causes, symptoms and treatment options Introduction Sleep disorders are an increasingly widespread problem in our society. Many people struggle with sleep problems that harm their health and quality of life. A new phenomenon resulting from the spread of social media is the so-called “Revenge Bedtime Procrastination”. This blog post is about the different […]

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cup, hot tea, spoon, Tasse, heißer Tee, Teelöffel, Grounding

Mastering Grounding Techniques for cPTSD & Childhood Trauma Recovery

Effective grounding exercises to overcome cPTSD and heal from childhood trauma Grounding techniques are powerful for managing stress, anxiety, and overwhelming emotions. These techniques are designed to help you reconnect with your body, mind, and feelings and return to a calm, centred state. Whether you’re dealing with daily stressors or more significant emotional challenges, grounding

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young child sitting in a garden looking skywards Kleinkind in einem Garten umgeben von Blumen mit dem Blick zum Himmel

Childhood Trauma: understanding and overcoming rage in cPTSD

Childhood Trauma: understanding and overcoming rage in cPTSD. This post will overview the causes, symptoms, and possible coping strategies of rage in cPTSD. Through a deeper understanding of rage in childhood trauma, affected individuals can learn to understand and regulate their rage better. The aim is to help sufferers overcome their rage and regain control

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Non-Striving Zen Stones

Year in review: Being alive is a wonderful gift

The year is drawing to a close — time for a review of the year and a look ahead. If I’m not certain how long I will live, I want to do everything I can to be in tune with my values.  When people need help to survive, I want to help as many people

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trigger woman weapon gun

Emotional triggers

Understand your emotional triggers – and how to deal with them The world can be great and beautiful, but it can also be evil and scary. Some have to endure hardships or deal with traumatic experiences. Such past experiences can affect the way we respond to events in the present. Then emotional triggers can cause

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