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Childhood Trauma: “The Art of Loving”

Life help from Erich Fromm Introduction “Is love an art?” asked the psychoanalyst and philosopher Erich Fromm in 1956 and developed his theory of love in response. He analysed who, why and how we love. The book also looked at the disintegration of love in contemporary Western society, and his thoughts on this have lost

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Manipulation Altersunterschied Age difference 1024x1024 - Age differences & power: How to recognize manipulation in relationships!

Age differences & power: How to recognize manipulation in relationships!

Dealing with manipulation in relationships with a significant age gap or power asymmetries: a guide 1. Introduction Every relationship has a unique dynamic that binds the two partners. However, in relationships with a significant age difference or power imbalance, that dynamic can take on a particular form, leading to misunderstandings and misinterpretations. Yet, such relationships

Age differences & power: How to recognize manipulation in relationships! Read More »