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ADHD: Tips for more focus and balance

Practical help for ADHD symptoms: strategies for more focus and balance in everyday life


ADHD symptoms often make daily life challenging for sufferers and their families. But which strategies and resources help?

Understanding the causes and symptoms of ADHD

ADHD, also known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a neurological disorder that develops in childhood. Symptoms vary and manifest to different degrees in adults. Common signs of ADHD include:

  • Difficulty maintaining attention
  • Impulsiveness and excessive restlessness
  • Organisational problems and chaotic behaviour

Factors that contribute to the development of ADHD
Genetic predisposition, environmental factors and neurobiological aspects influence the development of ADHD. Studies indicate that genetic predisposition and environmental influences increase the risk. A deeper understanding of the causes forms the basis for practical help.

Effective therapy methods and treatment approaches for ADHD

Various therapy methods and approaches help those affected to cope better with their symptoms. Effective treatment options include

Drug treatment options and their effects

  • Stimulants such as methylphenidate Improve concentration and attention.
  • Non-stimulant medication such as atomoxetine: an alternative for the treatment of ADHD.
  • Individualised coordination of medication: crucial for optimal results.

Therapeutic approaches such as behavioural therapy and coaching

  • Behavioural therapy: Helps to identify and change unwanted behaviour patterns.
  • Coaching: Supports those affected in developing strategies for self-organisation and overcoming challenges.

A combination of medication and therapeutic approaches offers comprehensive help for ADHD symptoms.

Practical strategies for more focus in everyday life

Various practical strategies help people with ADHD to improve their focus in everyday life and be more effective. Some useful tips:

Time management tips for people with ADHD

  • Structured daily schedule: Plan straightforward tasks and time blocks.
  • Visual aids: Use to-do lists or time management apps to keep an overview.
  • Set realistic goals: Reward milestones achieved.

Techniques to increase concentration and attention

  • Take breaks: Plan regular short exercise sessions.
  • Meditation and mindfulness exercises: Calm the mind and sharpen the focus.
  • Reduce distractions: Use noise-cancelling headphones at work.

Lifestyle changes to promote balance and well-being

A balanced lifestyle helps to reduce the symptoms of ADHD and promote general well-being. Helpful lifestyle changes:

Importance of a balanced diet and regular exercise

  • Healthy diet: Avoid highly processed foods, such as fruit, vegetables, and wholemeal products.
  • Physical activity: Regular exercise stimulates brain function and improves concentration.
  • Sufficient sleep: Essential for brain regeneration and coping with ADHD symptoms.

Stress management techniques to reduce excessive demands

  • Relaxation techniques: Yoga, progressive muscle relaxation, or breathing exercises help to reduce stress.
  • Identify stress triggers: Develop strategies to counteract them actively.
  • Prioritise self-care: Consciously plan time for relaxation and regeneration.

Support systems and resources for people with ADHD

People with ADHD benefit from various support systems and resources that make it easier to deal with their symptoms. Helpful contact points:

Offers for self-help groups and advice centres

  • Self-help groups: Sharing experiences with other sufferers and overcoming challenges together.
  • Professional counselling centres: Individual support and counselling for coping with ADHD symptoms.
  • Online platforms and forums: access to information and testimonials from others with ADHD.

How family and friends support those affected

  • Open communication and understanding: On the part of family and friends, it is crucial to support people with ADHD.
  • Relatives: Learning coping strategies and creating a stable environment makes everyday life easier for those affected.
  • Share resources: Information about ADHD promotes understanding and acceptance in the social environment.


Managing ADHD symptoms effectively and supportively requires a comprehensive understanding of the causes and various strategies. From drug treatments and therapeutic approaches to practical everyday tips – this blog post offers valuable insights and support for more focus and balance in the everyday lives of people with ADHD.

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