
Rabe, Zaun, crow, fence

Religion and childhood trauma 08: Conclusion

Religion and childhood trauma: questions and answers Introduction In the “Religion and Childhood Trauma” series, we have previously investigated how deeply religious beliefs and practices affect children’s early development and psychological well-being. It was about: Faith and fear Guilt and atonement Shame and the sacred Authority and autonomy Inclusion and exclusion Doubt and faith Healing […]

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Nebel, fog, Landschaft, landscape, Person, person, Schädel, skull, Einsamkeit, loneliness

Religion and childhood trauma 02: guilt and atonement

Sin and guilt – psychological effects on children Introduction It is essential to talk about the psychological impact of religious upbringing on children. Religion has an effect on individual ethical values and even on the legal system in some societies to the point of deriving jurisprudence directly from religious norms. Terms: sin, guilt and atonement

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Gesichter, Scham, faces, shame

The faces of shame

Die Vielschichtigkeit der Scham: Einblicke und Fragen zur Bewältigung   Scham wird in verschiedenen Weisen definiert. Léon Wurmser stellt in Die Masken der Scham – Die Psychoanalyse von Schamaffekten und Schamkonflikten fest, dass Scham ein uraltes Gefühl ist und eine wichtige Abwehr gegenüber anderen Gefühlen darstellt. Scham wird oft mit Schwäche, Makeln und Schande assoziiert.

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Scham, Schuld, Gesicht, Augen, Finger, shame, guilt, face, eyes, fingers,

Shame and guilt: definitions, similarities and differences

Shame and guilt Shame and guilt are two different reactions to misbehaviour or in relation to oneself. The similarities and differences between shame and guilt are described below. Definitions Shame “Shame” refers to the feeling of embarrassment or humiliation caused by a perceived failure, inadequacy or violation of social norms. It involves a negative evaluation

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Childhood trauma: thought-stopping against shame and fear

Thought-Stopping: stop your inner critic in his tracks A constant stream of thoughts, worries, perceptions, and information rushes through our minds like “internal noise.” Occasionally, we must interrupt this noise flow, particularly if it turns into vicious attacks from a toxic inner critic. A technique called thought-stopping can interrupt any chain of unwanted, nagging thoughts. 

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