
66450493762f2220671669 - Toxic shame in replacement children: Therapeutic approaches

Toxic shame in replacement children: Therapeutic approaches

Invisible scars and pain Invisible emotional wounds can go deeper than physical injuries. That is particularly true of the surrogate child syndrome and toxic shame. Both have far-reaching effects on individual well-being. They require sensitive and professional support to enable sustainable healing and personal growth. Causes and effects Toxic shame in replacement child syndrome results […]

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66450493762f2220671669 - Procrastination and childhood trauma

Procrastination and childhood trauma

Procrastination and trauma: understanding the causes and strategies for overcoming them Procrastination is a common problem affecting many people and often leads to considerable distress and helplessness. While it is usually attributed to laziness or lack of motivation, procrastination can have deeper roots, especially in people who have experienced trauma. The key message here is

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Ein gelbes Smiley-Gesicht auf einem lebendigen, abstrakten Hintergrund aus Blau- und Orangetönen. Der Smiley wirkt glücklich und fröhlich, während der Hintergrund eine Mischung aus dynamischen und chaotischen Farben zeigt, was einen Kontrast zwischen oberflächlicher Positivität und komplexen Emotionen darstellt.

Toxic positivity

When too much optimism does harm Introduction Toxic positivity describes an attitude that only allows positive feelings and thoughts but ignores or devalues negative emotions. While healthy positivity, i.e. optimism, maintains a positive view of situations and accepts negative experiences as part of life, toxic positivity leads to emotional stress and psychological problems. This form

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66450493762f2220671669 - The Science of Emotions

The Science of Emotions

Emotions: How They Affect Our Behaviour Introduction Emotions are a fundamental human experience, influencing our thoughts, actions, and interactions. Understanding the science behind emotions can provide valuable insights into why we feel the way we do and how these feelings shape our behaviour. This post explores emotions’ neurobiological, psychological, and social aspects and their profound impact

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66450493762f2220671669 - How to come out of childhood trauma

How to come out of childhood trauma

Seven keys to overcoming childhood trauma Childhood trauma has long-term effects on mental health and influences emotional well-being in adulthood. Overcoming childhood trauma requires self-compassion, personal care for wounded parts of yourself and reining in your inner critic. This blog post is about exploring seven keys to overcoming childhood trauma to help you regain your

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66450493762f2220671669 - Dependent personality disorder

Dependent personality disorder

Psychotherapy for dependent personality disorder Introduction People who have dependent personality disorder (DPD) struggle with a strong need for security in their relationships, which, on the other hand, they are never entirely sure of. This blog post is about how clarification-orientated psychotherapy helps to overcome dependent personality disorder and what practical strategies exist to strengthen

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christmas_tree, decoration, loneliness, einsamkeit

Loneliness – HOW-TO for coping with lonely holidays

Loneliness: Being alone is not loneliness For many people, the Christmas and New Year holidays are a time of celebration with the family. Christmas parties at work, baking biscuits during Advent, giving presents on Christmas Eve, family meals on Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve and numerous religious celebrations fill hearts with joy. However, when all

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young child sitting in a garden looking skywards Kleinkind in einem Garten umgeben von Blumen mit dem Blick zum Himmel

Childhood Trauma: Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) – HOW TO

PMR: What is that? Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) is used to reduce anxiety. The technique was introduced by the American doctor Edmund Jacobson in the 1930s. This technique alternates tension and relaxation of all the body’s important muscle groups. In this way, PMR gradually achieves a state of relaxation. With increasing practice, more and more

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