emotional intelligence

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The Science of Emotions

Emotions: How They Affect Our Behaviour Introduction Emotions are a fundamental human experience, influencing our thoughts, actions, and interactions. Understanding the science behind emotions can provide valuable insights into why we feel the way we do and how these feelings shape our behaviour. This post explores emotions’ neurobiological, psychological, and social aspects and their profound impact […]

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66450493762f2220671669 - The Science of Emotions

The Science of Emotions

How emotions affect our behaviour Introduction Emotions are a fundamental human experience, influencing our thoughts, actions, and interactions. Understanding the science behind emotions can provide valuable insights into why we feel the way we do and how these feelings shape our behaviour. This post explores emotions’ neurobiological, psychological, and social aspects and their profound impact

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Scham, shame, facial expressions, manual, psychiatry, Gesichtausdruck, Lehrbuch, Psychiatrie

Shame: A journey through history, light and shadow

Scham – eine Einführung Einleitung Scham ist ein Gefühl, das so alt ist wie die Menschheit selbst und dessen Verständnis sich im Laufe der Zeit erheblich gewandelt hat. Von den antiken Gesellschaften, die Scham eng mit Ehre verknüpften, bis hin zur modernen Psychologie, die sie als selbstbezogene Emotion untersucht, bietet dieser Begriff einen faszinierenden Einblick

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irrational beliefs superstition black cat

Stress-free and relaxed instead of irrational beliefs

Stress-free and relaxed instead of irrational beliefs Irrational beliefs- [/whohit] Every event in life is evaluated by us, based upon certain conscious or unconscious beliefs, attitudes or values. This happens immediately and often unconsciously. This assessment can be rational, thus logically and empirically verifiable and appropriate for the situation, or irrational, i.e. illogical and empirically

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