
66450493762f2220671669 - Toxic shame in replacement children: Therapeutic approaches

Toxic shame in replacement children: Therapeutic approaches

Invisible scars and pain Invisible emotional wounds can go deeper than physical injuries. That is particularly true of the surrogate child syndrome and toxic shame. Both have far-reaching effects on individual well-being. They require sensitive and professional support to enable sustainable healing and personal growth. Causes and effects Toxic shame in replacement child syndrome results […]

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Figuren, figures, sand

Religion and childhood trauma 05: inclusion and exclusion

The role of the community in religions: Refuge or dungeon Introduction In the “Religion and Childhood Trauma” series, we have previously explored how deeply religious beliefs and practices intervene in children’s early development and psychological well-being. So far, it has been about: Faith and fear, Guilt and atonement, Shame and the sacred, and Authority and

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in Stein gehauene Frauen, lange Haare, verhüllt, antiker Tempeleingang, women carved in stone, long hair, cloaked, ancient temple entrance

Religion and childhood trauma 03: shame and the sacred

The sacred and child development Introduction In various belief systems, concepts of shame and the sacred are at the centre of religious experiences and related to ethics. The sacred is defined by the existence of incorporeal, supernatural forces that are assumed by religions. These forces can be personal or impersonal, such as deities, spirits or

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Gespenstische Figur, weißes Tuch, christlicher Altar, gotische Bögen, religiöse Ikonografie, Ghostly figure, white cloth, Christian altar, gothic arches, religious iconography

Religion and childhood trauma 00: an introduction

Healing the shadows of religious trauma in childhood: A comprehensive Introduction This introduction is opening a series exploring the complex topic of religion and childhood trauma. Each post will highlight a different aspect. 1.Faith and fear – The tension between fear and faith? 2. Guilt and atonement – the tension between transgression and forgiveness. 3.

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young child sitting in a garden looking skywards Kleinkind in einem Garten umgeben von Blumen mit dem Blick zum Himmel

Childhood Trauma: understanding and overcoming rage in cPTSD

Childhood Trauma: understanding and overcoming rage in cPTSD. This post will overview the causes, symptoms, and possible coping strategies of rage in cPTSD. Through a deeper understanding of rage in childhood trauma, affected individuals can learn to understand and regulate their rage better. The aim is to help sufferers overcome their rage and regain control

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young child sitting in a garden looking skywards Kleinkind in einem Garten umgeben von Blumen mit dem Blick zum Himmel

Childhood Trauma: Dissociation in cPTSD

Childhood Trauma: Dissociation in cPTSD – What You Need to Know I. Introduction  Dissociation in cPTSD is a complex issue requiring much attention and understanding. It involves separating the individual from parts of his or her perception, thoughts and memories due to childhood trauma. cPTSD, short for complex post-traumatic stress syndrome, is a severe form

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brustkrebs breas tcancer band ribbon

Breast cancer – What happens in the brain with a cancer diagnosis?

Insights from trauma therapy help us understand what goes on in our brain when we receive a cancer diagnosis. Cancer diagnosis: nightmares, flashbacks, intrusions The “natural” pathways in the information processing system are blocked, which can lead to typical post-traumatic stress symptoms. Many people who have experienced a traumatic or highly frightening situation are familiar

Breast cancer – What happens in the brain with a cancer diagnosis? Read More »

trigger woman weapon gun

Emotional triggers

Understand your emotional triggers – and how to deal with them The world can be great and beautiful, but it can also be evil and scary. Some have to endure hardships or deal with traumatic experiences. Such past experiences can affect the way we respond to events in the present. Then emotional triggers can cause

Emotional triggers Read More »

Psychlogical Trauma Mental Health

Psychological trauma

Psychological trauma Psychological trauma A psychological trauma is an event that massively overwhelms the integration of perceptions,  feelings and thoughts triggered thereby. By destroying inner cohesion, fear and helplessness are flooding us and override our defenses. (On the other hand, loneliness, worry and tension, if they become permanent, can lead to exhaustion.) Phase progression of a

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